Tuesday 26 August 2008

School Enrolment

Saturday finally was the big day: School Enrolment for Jale! We all have been excited during the last days but JJ seemed to be pretty cool. Before the celebration at school we attended church and I was surprised to see that the church was nearly full. I did not expect as many young families still believing.

After that there was a 30 minutes celebration and welcoming in the gym of the school. Grades 2, 3 and 4 performed different dances and lyrics on stage to welcome the new pupils.
Then it got serious: The new pupils were called by name and had to go to the middle of the hall to get together with their teacher and classmates. And this time Jale was first. Grade 1A and a family name beginning with B...one day she will hate it! But this time she was pretty cool and very proud.
So was I!! They left the gym then for their first lesson and after that lesson we went to a restaurant where they did not charge anything for the food and drink of Jale. That was nice.

Even more nice to me was the fact that JJ did everything well so far at school. Seems as if this 2 days already made her do a big step. She is developing pretty fast, seems to act somehow responsible already. She wants it and she must have been pretty bored at Kindergarten during the last year.

And for me it is as if a rock has fallen off of my chest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jale is nice, cool, and smart~~