Saturday 2 August 2008

Mallorca, Day 3, observing

Observations on beach life

Today I was able to go on with my observations on beach life and I found out some very trivial but still very interesting things. You don't believe me?? Right u are...but I'm gonna tell you about my very subjective observations anyway:

  1. the most stylish people on the beach are spanish. No matter if they look good or not, they just act, dress and behave cool. Not that high-headed kinda coolness, but very relaxed and kinda stylish...

  2. you can spot english people easily from others. They have a skin mix between pale and red...and it won't change, no matter how long they stay here. Must be some kind of pigment thing at them.Besides that, they also drink alcohol early and in unbelievable I know why I always felt well in GB...

  3. the germans have themselves under control. They try to control everyone else too (didn't they try that in former times before??) but over here they only earn a stylish-high-headed-spanish smile and probably get kicked out of a row in the supermarket by a red-skinned, loud and drunk english. Did I mention that the spanish are stylish? Yes?...oh!

  4. Russians are said to be everywhere on this island. Over here I have not met more than 1,5 Russians so far. From this minority I can tell that they are loud too, eat strange food and drink far too less alcohol!!

  5. French people on spanish beaches never smile. At least I have not seen any of them with a smile on his/her face. They always seem to be bored and whenever they see someone having fun, they seem to slightly shake their head in disbelieve.


lytha said...

but do germans smile?

Unknown said...

they do and seem to have a lot of fun here. But funny enough that germans stay with germans, english with english and spanish with spanish