Wednesday 25 June 2008

Definitely, Maybe

Feeling down and out...without internet and telephone...that was my situation on monday night. Time to go to bed early and watch kind of an easy and lowbrow movie. If you will ever be in the same situation, here is the perfect film to watch then:

Will Hayes (Ryan Reynolds), a New York commercials specialist is about to get divorced. He is spending an evening with his 10 year old daughter and she is asking him to tell her his story about how Will met her Mom and fell in love with her.
Will tells her the story of the 3 women in his life...he changes the names and lets his daughter guess who of those 3 women finally became her mother.
The story starts 1992 during the election campaign of Bill Clinton and is a typical Romance/Complicated-Relations story. Not much to tell about the story even though there are some surprising and unexpected moments. To me it is a typical womens movie, strange enough that I did not fell asleep before the end. The reason why I was still awake after 117 minutes were the actors. I have not seen them on screen before and especially the female actors (Elizabeth Banks, Rachel Weisz, Isla Fisher) were not the perfect looking hollywood actresses, as to be seen in hundreds of movies before. Everyone of them had this special something (in my eyes) and that is what kept me watching this movie til the end.
Needless to mention that Kevin Kline (in the role of Professor Hampton Roth) is -as always- above any possible critics...don't you even dare!!!

As I said...the story of this film is not spectacular. The way how it is being told (from Dad to daughter) and the well chosen actors make it a nice and easy going romance movie.

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