Tuesday 24 June 2008

Cut off

No telephone, no internet...since yesterday noon it is quiet in our house. No messenger pop-ups, no video chats. As the german Telekom told us, there must be a damaged cable somewhere around because even our entire neighbourhood is without telephone.

So, today I liked to go to work since it is the only place where I can read my feeds and keep up with the rest of the world. For all those waiting for an answer/e-mail from me...be patient...as usual ;-)


lytha said...

i am curious - in your line of work are you involved in the shipping of horses internationally? it looks like i'm gonna pay the luxemburg airline "cargolux" 10,000$ to move my horse here. that is twice what i was expecting, *shiver*

Unknown said...

I am not involved in the shipping of horses, but I know some international forwarders who are involved in shipping household goods and everything possible for celebrities, diplomats etc...so, they could possibly have an idea.

Besides that, I have a colleague. She owes a several horses and has a friend who imports horses. She will ask him if he maybe has an idea.
I will contact you via e-mail as soon as I have any information.

lytha said...

thanks winni. it's an odd feeling to be so helpless in a situation involving mein sohn. i know no one who has ever done this, and internet searches give me back mostly results about domestic shipping. international shipping is like this big gray mystery cloud, with some interesting threats like "if horse does not have proper vaccinations, horse will be put to sleep (killed) on arrival." oh nice.

i know horses must live in a quarantine facility for 30 days in the states before flying. that scares me too - leaving my horse with total strangers, and relying on total strangers for his care and eventual shipment to the airport, where things could go horribly wrong and he could end up on a dinner plate in france. *sigh*