Monday 16 April 2007

Hot Hot Hot...

The weekend has been hot hot hot. We had some 25°C, sun and blue sky all the weekend. Unbelievable. We rarely prepared any dishes in the kitchen but did as much as we could outside to not miss any sunshine at all. And even at nights when it comes to "Winnis time" it was still warm at 17°C.

By the way...this is what I see first when I leave the house.

A summer dream in spring...I enjoyed it so much!

And if that wasn't enough good news, our daughter learnt how to ride the bicycle. She only tried it twice before and had serious probs with her balance and also with stopping and getting off her bicycle. Yesterday...all over sudden she managed to do it by herself. I couldn't believe it when I saw her driving circles.

Needless to mention how proud the bicycle driving father is of his little big girl now.

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