Sunday 27 April 2008

Arnaldur Indridason - The Draining Lake

Another detective story and this time a fine one.
In a lake in Iceland the water level of drops suddenly, revealing the skeleton of a man half-buried in its sandy bed. Clear to see that this man must have been murdered cause he has a huge hole in his skull and he was tied to a communication unit.

The book is divided into 2 stories being told parallel. First there is the crime and the things happening with the investigations of commissioner Erlendur, and the second are the thoughts, obviously of the murderer, back from the 1950s while studying in Leipzig, Germany.

During the first half of the book, nothing really spectacular happens. The crime itself has been put in the background and the main thing is the description of the protagonists, the mental state they are in now and even some steps back in time.

To me it was a fascinating book not only because of the interesting story, but also because of the authors fine writing style with very close and intense observations on human nature and of how people can possibly react if they get betrayed by people or society.

Thanks to Schwester Keia for this recommendation :-)

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