Monday 14 May 2007

DNA could predict your surname

the following I found on BBC news ( and alarming. Where will all this lead to?? Soon some observing technologies will know more about you than you know yourself.

Forensic scientists could use DNA retrieved from a crime scene to predict the surname of the suspect, according to a new British study.
It is not perfect, but could be an important investigative tool when combined with other intelligence.

The method exploits genetic likenesses between men who share the same surname, and may help prioritise inquiries.

Details of the research from the University of Leicester, UK, appear in the latest edition of Current Biology.

The technique is based on work comparing the Y chromosomes of men with the same surname. The Y chromosome is a package of genetic material found normally only in males.

It is passed down from father to son, just like a surname.

Mining the information would require building a database of at least 40,000 surnames and the Y chromosome profiles associated with them.

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