Monday 2 July 2007

Reha, day 4 - Vampirella

Today it was the end of laziness. At 6.45h I had to appear at the nurses office to give blood. No big deal…normally. But the nurse (let’s call her…Vampirella) must have had a very bad weekend, lost her glasses somewhere or simply did not like me (maybe even all 3 reasons came together??). All 3 reasons would be understandable but does it really matter here??? To say it brief: she hit the needle in my arm and I was asking her if maybe she and not me needs a stay at a rehabilition centre. She did her job so badly that I am expecting my arm to change its colours day by day from blue to purple to green. That will be nice…like a surreal painting, but it will also hurt during my exercises. Anyway – Vampirella is not among my closest friends now.

I also had some Fango and massages, some cardio traning and muscle training today. But all that was nice and relaxing.

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