Saturday 26 September 2009

Driving a Scooter is Gay

"Driving a Scooter is gay"
That has always been my speech as a former motorbike rider when the topic came to "Scooters". Now I found a new job and have to think about of how to get to work and back. It is too far by bicycle and it would take me about 90 minutes by bus/train.

So, I thought of buying a Scooter and I am really getting familiar with this thought. It would be an economical and fairly easy way of getting to work in some 20-25 minutes time and it would even be 60% cheaper too.
The scooters of today are looking stylish and fun, trying to create an image of a tough bike rider to the minds of their owners. But in the end they remain what they have always been: many pieces of coloured plastic placed around a weak and gay motor.

I will buy one...I am sure. I am not a tough bike rider anymore and I wanna keep my trousers clean while riding...even in winter. That's only possible on a gay scooter

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