Wednesday 19 August 2009

Shark in Venice

Have I ever told you that I sometimes go weak for so called "B-Movies"? I really do like them sometimes when I am in a special mood where I don't wanna think too much. It is the same with books. Trash books and B-Movies amuse me a lot then and show me that I am not the only one stupid on earth.
Yesterday it was time again for such a film. "Shark in Venice"...hmmm...did not sound too trashy at first, but after only 10 minutes it was clear what I was watching here! A bulgarian, very low budget movie, starring Stephen Baldwin (???). Said to be a horror movie but the only horrors that I got from it were the lousy actors, the horrible -so called- special effects (I can do them better by only using MS Paint...) and the ragged, dilettantish german synchronisation.

So, if you have some 90 minutes to waste, or/and if you wanna have a good laugh about people who obviously don't have the slightest idea of how to produce a horror movie, watch "Shark in Venice"!!!

PS: Don't ask me about how the story ended, I switched it off 15 minutes before its end.

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