Saturday 11 July 2009

Geocaching - The fun is back

Lately our geocaching experiences were getting boring for our daughter Jale and usually I went alone for some geocaching. But now it seems as if the fun is coming back to Jale. It all began when we attended "Project Game" the Mega Event in Bremen, where they cared really a lot for the kids. Jale was pretty busy there with playing around and discovering the different events there. After some hours we left the Mega Event to do one of the Mega-Event special Kids cache and she was really excited.

Now since I am having a lot of time again, we made some more tries. First we went to a small town south of Bremen to solve the Geocache "Tumult im Tierpark". That Cache is situated in a small wildlife park and we simply had to find a several animals and where they are originally from. Jale found 80% of it all by herself and she couldn't even stop when it began to rain. Only heavy thunder made her run away to the car while I did the logging.

Some days ago the next try with Jale and now she was not suspicious anymore when I announced: let's go geocaching today!
I found a cache fairly nearby, a typical kids friendly cache as it seemed. It was all about Spongebob, the famous TV sponge. This was a great, kids friendly cache with 4 Waypoints + final box. Jale found 3 Waypoints and the final and she was even able to solve 2 of the riddles. The cache was designed very well with different waypoints and riddles. We even had to put a puzzle together in a forest to find out the coordinates for the next waypoint.

To say it more briefly: since we had nice, kids friendly caches, with solvable riddles even for children, the fun in geocaching came back to Jale. And I am glad that we can go together again for exciting treasure hunting!!

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