Tuesday, 11 August 2009


Some days ago Anika sent me a mail and asked something about the listing of one of my geocaches and yesterday we met to do a nearby geocache together. It was a multi cache with 6 waypoints + final and the owners of this cache have a very good reputation. Their caches never contain any film canister, even more, they always use very creative and well designed, sometimes tricky items as waypoints.

It was the same yesterday! I am not telling the name of the geocache to not place any spoilers here. Julia, Anika and me spent 1,5 hours in a forest searching for those waypoints, and we really needed to keep our eyes open. To give you an idea about what kind of waypoints (containing the coordinates of the mext waypoint) we were searching for in this jungle, I added some photos:

Even if we did not finish the cache because of a lack of time, we have been totally happy with this well designed multi cache and we alrady made plans to meet again in the end of August to find the last waypoint and the final cachebox.


Kefa said...

Hehehe, die Welt ist so klein. Gerade erfahr ich, welche Anika da mit dir cachen war. :-D Die kenn ich doch glatt auch!
Wir müssen in Bremen mal nen Cacher-Stammtisch oder sowas machen. :)
Viele Grüße und euch viel Spaß am Wochenende!

Anika Erdmann said...

Eva ist auch eine alte Freundin von mir! wir kennen uns seit 20 Jahren!

Jo, wenn ich den Job am Freitag bekomme, habe ich viel Zeit und habe ja Winni schon zugesagt, bei jedem Wetter cachen zu gehen!