Thursday, 11 December 2008

Lost In Translation

Once again: Lost In Translation
I don't know how often I have watched this movie already. Tonight it was time again on TV and again "Lost In Translation" was fascinating me. Scarlett Johansson in her one and only good role and Bill Murray in one of his first movies beyond simple jokes and funny comedy movies.

A melancholic film about human beings being captured in the isolation of a foreign culture and language. Camera and actors both seemed to have the same idea of how this should be expressed. It all fits together very well.

To me this film is getting more and more interesting the more often I watch it. It makes me think about how you can feel lonely even if in a huge crowd. How you can feel lonely even if with so called friends. And that sometimes.....sometimes you just want to have some kind of a soul companion near you. Very near. To give warmth and harmony to each other. Not neccesarily more.
And that is what I like so much in this movie: Two people getting closer by and by, feeling well again and being like accomplices. Without the need of any physical attraction.

This time in the end I was sad: I did not want them to part and to get back to their normal life. I wanted them to continue that impossible dream.

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