Thursday, 12 July 2007

Reha, day 14 - Relaxation and pirates

Today was a relaxing day again. To give you an idea of how such a relaxing day looks over here, here is my schedule for today:

9.00 Uhr Muskelentspannung / Muscle Relaxation

about 15 people sitting together in a circle, closing their eyes and listening to a psychologist who is telling them of how to consciously strain and relax their muscles.very effective way of exploring your body.

10.30 Uhr Rückenschule / Learning of how to use exercises for back problems

nothing but another lecture from a therapeut. This time about the correct way of sleeping/lying, matrazes, pillows etc.

11.30 Uhr Fango

heating up before massage

12.00 Uhr Full-body massage

with my favourite Masseuse....hmmmm

15.00 Uhr Gesprächsgruppe Schmerzpatient / Focus Group for pain patients

Together with a psychologist we tried to find about the mysery of a „vicious circle“ of pain – psychology – physiology. Now we know that this vicious circle exists and hopefully next week we will find a way to break out of it.

The physically hardest exercises were the meals today!! So, at 4.00 p.m. I jumped on my bike and drove into the wild forest for some activity and geocaching. There was a cache called “Strandpiraten (beach pirates)”. I needed a few days to solve the quests and find out about the coordinates of the cache box. Today I found it easily and the cachebox was hidden very nice. Under a tree with a fishermans net, under a plate…just like you would expect a real pirates treasure to be hidden. Fortunately Captain Black and his pirates were somewhere sailing the seven seas and I was able to log the cache alone and in silence

This days kilometres: 42,65

Overall kilometres: 300,77

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