Saturday, 28 November 2009

Die Mischung machts

Ich bin ja nicht so der gesellige Typ, aber weil Anika mich auf das "Weihnachtsmarkt Opening und Glühwein Event" in Bremen aufmerksam gemacht hat, hab ich mich auch mal angemeldet.

Und, was soll ich sagen, es war entspannt und angenehm. Man kann über Geocacher sagen was man will, aber wo sonst gibt es eine so angenehme Mischung von Leuten? Alte, Junge, Familien, Singles...ernste Geocacher und solche die es eher locker nehmen.

Hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht und es bringt mir auch den Spaß am Geocachen zurück.

Saturday, 21 November 2009


The moments in life when I feel old are rare. Today was one of them. The simple and absolutely undramatic reason: JJ found a "1 Pfennig" coin of our former currency D-Mark and happily told me that she found another Euro coin from a foreign country. I explained to her that this was our former currency and all was good.

When my thoughts went on, I noticed that, when I was a boy, people told me about the german currencies in former times before the "DM", and while they told me about that, they appeared in my eyes as very, very old people.
I don't know how I appeared in JJs eyes today but I felt like a very, very old person....just for a few moments though ;-)

Dexys Midnight Runners - Old

Old, have memories to keep all cold away.
What is that you say?
No sense to dwell.
Old, are you ridiculed and fumed away,
No attention paid?
I thought as much. Yes and the dumb patriots have their say,
Only see their way.
Nothing to sell.
And worse from us, so obvious,
Preposterous, when you think of the time that each has spent.
Words heaven sent and truly meant to show
Old, may I sit down here and learn today?
I'll hear all you say.
I won't go away.

Thursday, 19 November 2009


An was denkt man heutzutage wenn mann sich schlapp fühlt und plötzlich Kopf- und Gliederschmerzen bekommt? Genau!!!
Wenn dann üble Magen- Darm Beschwerden dazukommen, fühlt man sich ja fast schon erleichtert. So ging es mir jedenfalls in den letzten 2 Tagen und nun ist alles wieder so schnell vorbei wie es gekommen ist. Gut so.

Nicht alles was heutzutage schlapp macht ist Grippe. Von Schwein mal ganz zu schweigen!