Tuesday, 3 February 2009


Here are some news about what's going on here:
Julias mother went to hospital yesterday. The doctors found some kinda abscess that needs to be taken out immediately. Very sad especially cuz she has never really been ill. Only last year she very often was suffering from fever and undefined illness. So, she will probably get her operation already tomorrow.

Julia will go to Russia tomorrow to help her mother and to be on her side. Means that I will be alone with JJ for nearly 4 weeks, and I am curious how we will manage to get along. I have no doubts that I won't have a single problem with her, but as she is so much of "mamas girl" she will be sad to death and I expect her to be very sensitive and sad all the time.
Means I will have to cheer her up every single minute. To be able to do that, I made an agreement with my boss, saying that I will work only 4 hours every day. I will bring JJ to school in the mornings, then off to work to be back in time for her and help her doing homework and following her dates (sports, therapy, musical school) in the afternoons.


Anonymous said...

und Sista ist auch noch da, wenn du mal den Fahrdienst nicht antreten kannst!

Alles Gute für Julia und ihre Mutter, wir drücken die Daumen.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry *cause of Julia's mother. Hopefully everthing is going well. And Good Luck to all of your! -Silga-