Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Making enemies

I was quiet for nearly one week?? Yes, right! And you know why? Yes, of course you do since I posted that I am home alone wth Jale for some time.

Now here's the reason why I think I could be making mostly female enemies with this post:I know that most of my readers are female and I can tell you one thing: if you love your child and don't have another job besides housework and caring for the kid, you definately have the best job in the world as a housewife!!!
I have never had a job that gave me so much space for my own decisions and plans like this. I never had a job where I was able to have as many coffee breaks as now. And I never had a job where I received so much positive feedback on my work. I don't wanna get into more details, but from now on, whenever I see a mother with her kid(s) I will enviously look at her!!

Am I close?


Anonymous said...

you are close! And believe me, I never regretted stayíng 18 years at home as "only" housewife and mother..a bad-payed, but very satisfying job :-)


Anonymous said...

bad-paid??? you got paid?????? ;-)