Saturday, 29 November 2008


"Yes, yes...we can bake some cookies next week. I know how it works!" That's what I said to Jale one week ago. It was a bit of a lie. I know how to bake a cake but never prepared any cookies by myself. Ha-no big deal you may think, ask your wife! Funny but she knows even less about such things. Good that I have my mother nearby to ask her for some recipe and to get a slight idea of what this cookie-baking-thing is about...approximately!
To say it short: it ended without any heavy injuries, and the mess in our kitchen was not too bad. We are still all alive! The cookies were delicious but in the end looked not half as nice as the ones that you see in the cookery books. That is why I won't post any photo of the results but only of the beginning of our cookie experience!!
Wanna try one??? Drop me your address.....


someone seems to enjoy...

another one a bit suspicious???

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