Thoughts on daily life. Manchmal in Deutsch, sometimes in english...depends on my mood!
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Jale in hospital - review of a day
Thank you friends!
Today was a special day. Jale had to go to hospital for a little, ambulant surgery. Her adenoids (palatine tonsil) had to be removed. She was having trouble with ear infections since nearly 8 months and so we decided to let them be removed and to let the doctor make a cut into the eardrum.
That's how it works in germany:
We were in hospital at 7.15h and she could choose a bed to relax. At 7.45h she got a little "drink" cool her down, to make her a bit dizzy. At 8.15h she had to change clothes for one of the ugly hospital-skirts - at least there were some mussels, fishes and seahorsed on it. Lying in her bed,we carried her to the Operation(surgery) zone and then had to wait 40minutes until she came back. The operation was being made under full anaesthesia.
When she came back to her room, she cried from 9.10 - 10.10h. She cried and raved, shouted and screamed. Everyone of the hospital crew was very astounded, shocked, worried...whatever....about Jale's behaviour. No child ever before had the energy to scream and rave as loud and as long as she did.
We were worried too of course but we know that Jale does everything very intense and excessive...whether good or bad doesn't matter. The only thing we were really worried about was that she would probably keep this bad moment in her head, just as all her bad and hard experiences with any doctor before. But the (real good, feelfull and perfect Turkish) anaesthetist promised us that she won't remember anything at all and that all her impressions will be lcoked in amnesia. That was hard to believe because Jale spoke quite clearly after the operation. She said like: "I want to change my clothes now and go home." Or "This bed is not comfy...let's go home-my bed is much better"
After all, she really did not remember anything between 8.00h am and 1.00h pm.
She slept in hospital from 10.10h a.m. til 1.10h p.m. and when she woke up, she was thirsty and hungry. She ate some soft kiddies sandwich and drank a lot of water. Then she began complaining about her throat ache. The throat ache was just because of the laryngeal mask used during anaesthesia.
So, at 3.00h p.m. we left hospital and prepared a nice, comfy bed for Jale at home. She slept a lot and while I am writing this, I am expecting her to cry again and complain about her throat ache...
To be brief: even at home she was still suffering a lot from throat ache. She was not able to eat and drink. But she was not bleeding anywhere anymore and did not complain about any pain in her ears anymore. She even mentioned that she was able to hear better now.
I really hope that we made a good decision and that Jale will have a better life now. Those thoughts are constantly in my head now. It is easy to decide but it is hard to get along with such a decision if it turns to be wrong.
Our daughter missed more then 50% of her kindergarten days and every second weekend we had to spend inside because of her ears infections. Jale was very sad about that and said like: "I think I will never get healthy anymore". Jale must have a better quality of life and I hope that I decided the end.
Anyone of you with similar experiences/thoughts? Share them...would be nice and helpfull maybe.
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Can This Black Box See Into the Future?
ASTOUNDING....and I do not really believe in this. Do you???? Read this:
DEEP in the basement of a dusty university library in Edinburgh lies a small black box, roughly the size of two cigarette packets side by side, that churns out random numbers in an endless stream.
At first glance it is an unremarkable piece of equipment. Encased in metal, it contains at its heart a microchip no more complex than the ones found in modern pocket calculators.
But, according to a growing band of top scientists, this box has quite extraordinary powers. It is, they claim, the 'eye' of a machine that appears capable of peering into the future and predicting major world events.
The machine apparently sensed the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre four hours before they happened - but in the fevered mood of conspiracy theories of the time, the claims were swiftly knocked back by sceptics. But last December, it also appeared to forewarn of the Asian tsunami just before the deep sea earthquake that precipitated the epic tragedy.
found on
Friday, 25 May 2007
Geocaching 24.05.07
I was intending to search for some nice places somewhere in the woods again but then I made up my mind and started for a tour along the river "Weser". That was a good decision and I discovered some nice places.
My favourite for this day was an old smal church, situated directly near a dike. This church was small with no big bell tower but it had the special something. So, I remained there for a while with a lot of silence and peace.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Geocaching - Mein 140. Cache
Meine kleine Tour führte mich an insgesamt 8 Caches links der Weser, Lemwerder Richtung Berne. Es war ein toller Abend und neben den 3 Weserfähren ist unbedingt erwähnenswert die Kirche in Warfleth. Eine kleine schnuckelige Kirche ohne großen Glockenturm direkt am Deich. Ein sehr schönes Fleckchen! Hier hab ich eine ziemlich ausgedehnte Pause eingelegt.
Der 140. Cache war jedenfalls Wedding Geocache-Berne und das war tatsächlich die einzige große Dose an diesem Tag *seufz*
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Rhododendronpark & Botanical Garden Bremen
What is this muddy water good for?? Simple. Try to find out how many turtles are on this pic. Can you see them all?? Have a guess...
Friday, 18 May 2007
Aerial views Part 1
Aerial photograph of Ste-Croix Dam, Provence, France.

Aerial photograph of rows of red vans awaiting distribution, Oxfordshire, England.

found on
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Everything is too
Remember, when I say that I have been to a forest, I do not only follow the normal ways but also have to search and find in deep forests. No problem when it is dry but today it was a mess and I hope that all the chlorophyll will somehow get washed out of my clothes.
Hey do you know what: in spite of this, I had a great time!!!
A woman without her man is nothing
"A Woman without her man is nothing"
on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.
All of the males in the class wrote:
"A woman, without her man, is nothing"
All the females in the class wrote:
"A woman: without her, man is nothing"
Punctuation is powerful!!!!!!!!!
Have a nice day :-)
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Noahs wife
We like to play with it but Jale repeatedly asks me the question: "What is the name of Noahs wife?". Since months she is only called "Noahs wife". That is not really satisfying for Jale. So, I took out my bible and looked through the Old Testament..but found only the names of Noahs sons: Sem, Ham and Japhet.
So, here is the question of the day: What is the name of Noahs wife?? Any idea?? Anyone????
Monday, 14 May 2007
Mothers Day
I have heard that for some mothers it is quite a hard day if their families decided to spoil them at this special day. I have heard a mother saying:
"I usually like to get up early to have enough time during the day. But on this special day, I have to stay in bed as long as my husband and kids need to somehow manage to deliver something like breakfast to my bed. After that I have to hurry. My mother also wants some attention and so we are visiting her in the afternoon. All in all I really appreciate those efforts from my kids and husband, but I can find more relaxation in the normal daily routine"
Haha, that sounds funny to me and I wonder if it will be the same on coming thursday when it will be Ascension Day -in Germany also celebrated as Fathers Day.
It was a bit different for us yesterday. I was preparing breakfast before anyone of my girls opened her eyes. Jale had drawn a nice painting and written a funny letter (consisting of the letters A and B - the only ones she knows so far) for her mother and we had quite a relaxing time. Because Jale is still seriously ill, we did not leave the house all day.
We visited my parents in the afternoon and had a cup of coffee together. We live in the same house and are togethre daily, so it was not a very special meeting.
How about you? Do you all celebrate kind of a "Mothers Day"? If so, what happens on this special day??
DNA could predict your surname
Forensic scientists could use DNA retrieved from a crime scene to predict the surname of the suspect, according to a new British study.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Men vs. Women
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Rehabilitation by Geocaching ;-)
The spots have been like from a picture book...very idyllic and when I returned from my geocaching adventure, I felt very relaxed. All the stressy thoughts had left me.
So, I don't want to hold back some of the photos I took yesterday. Nature photos always only give you a slight idea of how it was there...but if you add the sound of leaves on trees in wind..the sound of a river gurgling its way and the sound of singing birds...well, then you may be able to imagine how nice those hours in the woods have been for me.
What a week..
The last days have been quite busy. Jale is ill again. Since 7 months she is suffering from pain in her ears from time to time. We always go to the doc and all he repeatetly says is: she has no infection, give her this medicine and it will soon be better. Yes, the medicine always works after some days. But...she suffers from this always about 4-6 days with fever at 39°C and it is always a hard time not only for Jale. I rarely sleep at all those night cause I hear her crying and cannot help her...that is making me sick myself.
Besides that, work is getting more and more and only yesterday I was able to leave office at 5.00 p.m. All the other days it was about 7 or 8.00 p.m. Well, you all know how ambitious I am (*sigh*) so this is really going on my nerves.
So much for that. I have not forgotten about any of my friends. It is the opposite. The more hard times I have, the more I think about my dear friends out there in their corners of the world :-)
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Geocaching - Mein 130. Cache
An diesem Nachmittag habe ich gefunden: