Thoughts on daily life. Manchmal in Deutsch, sometimes in english...depends on my mood!
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Artificial intelligence
One funny thing I noticed: There seems to be one street missing in the navi-software and it is a street near my home. The street is there but my navi refuses to let me drive there. It always tells me a long way around the block instead of the direct way of only 100 metres. Usually I do not use the navi to find my way back home (maybe at some saturday nights it will be helpfull ....) but now whenever I have a bad mood and desperately want to know something better, I switch on the navi on my way back home, listen to the stupid advise, insist on my oppinion about the right way and have a good smile knowing that artificial intelligence still did not overcome.
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Stadtwald See
Again another of our favourite places to be in Bremen. This lake is public and free to use for everyone.
Situated near the "Buergerpark" and very close to the Bremen University.
It is a very relaxed place there, many people just sit in the grass, play games, have a little picnic or just sleep here. In summer it is more crowded of course because the water is warm enough to swim, at the moment, the water temperature is at 19°C...that is far too cold for swimming.
We like to go there when weekend comes to an end...late sunday afternoon. We bring some food and drink with us, let Jale play in the sand or at the playground and enjoy the last sunshine of the day.
And if anyone likes - there is a nudists beach too if it is that what makes you feel happy and close to nature :-) ;-)
World's most expensive Vodka
clipped from Blackwood Distillers from Scotland have come up with the idea to produce world’s most expensive drink. It first gets ice-filtered, then filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and then passed trhough a sand of crushed diamonds and gems In every bottle you’ll find semi-precious or precious stones, including diamonds, which will make the product price range from $ 70.00 up to $ 1,060,000.00 . |
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Language test for kids
First we thought: Hahahaaaa...a funny misunderstanding. Jale is only 4 and will go to school only in 2008 and the school testings will take place only in beginning of 2008.
Then I continued reading all of the letter and found out that it is no joke. There is a fairly new law in germany and it is mainly to test the childrens abilities of speaking german. As an additional information you must know that in germany there are many, many children that come from a migration background...from Turkey, Russia, Armenia etc. During the last years there were a lot of children who could not speak a single word of german language when they first came to school at the age of 6/7 years. Their parents just did not care for that and raised their kids only in their own native language without thinking about how many problems their children would get in daily german life.
So, there will be a small test one year before kids go to school to find out about their speaking abilities and their german language knowledge especially. If it is too bad, they will have to visit a special language course for a year to help them getting along and to provide a fair chance for them in germany,
I have never been a friend a such laws and I have always been suspicious when it came to school things...but this law seems to be a good thing because it protects children from the selfishness of their parents. What do you think??
Is there such a law in other countries??
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
Quote of the week
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Buergerpark Bremen
Today I want to introduce Bremens most beautiful park to you. We go there nearly every week to enjoy the peacefull atmosphere and the relaxed people there. It is situated right in the centre of Bremen ... kind of a green lung, with a small zoo, and some playing grounds. You can also rent a rowing boat there or simply enjoy the well-kept, cultivated gardens. I have chosen some photos to give you an idea and I would recommend the website to you. It is also available in english.
Friday, 20 April 2007
Smart Road Sign!
Now wouldn't that put a smile on your face on your way to work?? I would burst out laughing but mainly because I am a bicyclist with a strange kind of humour!
Thursday, 19 April 2007
Medical rehabilitation
Sounds good?? It is even getting better if you hear where I will be going to: The village is called "Ostseebad Ahrenshoop". It is located directly at the Baltic Sea and it is said that there are large woods and a white sand beach of 10km length. Now doesn't that sound like a good place for a vacation in summer??
If you want, you can have a look at the map that I prepared at google maps... click here
I will leave June 29th, so still 10 weeks to wait for me.
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Geocaching 17.04.07
After I made an FTF (First to find, means none has found this cache before) at Syker Burgwall, the next target was a cache named " In Between Waters" and I expected the target area to be somehow muddy and swampy. And so it was. I really had to watch my steps to not slip and fall into the muddy waters. It was fun and a very idyllic place. The cache was hidden in an old tree and it was quickly found.
I reached the last point of my tour at appr. 7.00 pm. The coordinates pointed directly
to a small hill of maybe 20 metres height. To reach that hill I had to cross some 500 metres of grassland with grass of appr. 50cm height. After I made the first steps towards the hill, there were 3 deers crossing my way...they were very close to me...maybe some 50 metres only and they seemed to be in panic. Some more steps and a rabbit jumped out of the grass, running away from me. Then there were about 3 ducks who left there nest in the grass and flew away panically.
That was the point when I finally realized that I was disturbing them here. I was like a "gate-crasher" for them...I had no invitation to enter there shelter places. I left the grass and took another way up the hill. The way was hard and longer but after reaching the cache, I had a marvellous view. The sun was just downing, I sat down and asked myself why I was so selfish. Thinking only about my target and my wish to reach the cache without thinking about all the wild animals that have older rights here and have there places for shelter here.
From now on, I will be more carefull and more respectfull to nature and its "inhabitants".
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Geocaching - Mein 120. Cache
Nachdem ich einen FTF am Syker Burgwall hatte, war das nächste Ziel ein cache namens "Hache-Zwischen den Wassern" und ich hatte schon so meine Befürchtungen das es hier ziemlich matschig und schlammig zugehen würde.So war es dann auch. Ich musste schon ziemlich auf meine Schritte achtgeben um nicht auszurutschen und im schlammigen Wasser zu landen. Es war schön und ein sehr ruhiger und idyllischer Platz dort. Hatte ich so nicht erwartet. Der Cache war in einem alten Baum versteckt und schnell gefunden.
Den letzten Punkt meiner Tour (Weyher Berg, mein 120. Cache) hab ich gg. 19.00h erreicht. Die Koordinaten zeigten auf einen kleinen Hügel von etwa 20 Metern Höhe. Um den Hügel zu erreichen musste ich eine Wiese etwa 500m überqueren - das wilde Gras stand dort etwa 50 cm hoch. Nachdem ich die ersten Schritte Richtung Cache gemacht hatte,kreuzten 3 Rehe meine Weg..die waren mir echt nah...vielleicht 50 meter entfernt...und die sahen ziemlich gehetzt aus. Noch ein paar Schritte weiter und ein Kaninchen sprang aus der Wiese und rannte schnell weg von mir. Dann waren da noch 3 wohl brütende Enten die in Panik ihre Nester verließen. Das war der Punkt an dem ich endlich begriff das ich hier ein Störenfried war. Ich war hier in fremde "Wohnungen" eingedrungen...ohne Einladung. Ich hab die Wiese dann verlassen und einen anderen Weg Richtung Hügel genommen. Der Weg war weiter und beschwerlicher aber nachdem ich den Cache erreicht hatte, hatte ich einen tollen Blick auf die umliegenden Wiesen. Die Sonne ging gerade unter und ich hab mich erstmal hingesetzt, alles genossen und mich gefragt wieso ich hier so sehr auf mich selbst und meine Ziele fixiert war. Dieses ist ein Zufluchtsort für die Tiere und ich hab mich entsprechend zurück zu halten. In Zukunft werd ich solchen Plätzen mit mehr Respekt begegnen.
Osterwiese, Bremen
However it was perfect weather, especially for a ride with the big wheel in some 52 metres height. It was such a fantastic view up there with a low and warm wind . We were not sure if Jale wouldn't maybe cry because she might be afraid of the height...but all she said was: "why is this going so slow??"
After the big wheel, she drove with several roundabouts and finally rode on a real horse. This seemed to have been the most fascinating and impressive thing for her. She continously kept talking about that on our way home.
Is it true that all girls love horses?? And why is that?? Any explanation?? Anyone?? Please tell me....
Monday, 16 April 2007
Quote of the week
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Hot Hot Hot...
The weekend has been hot hot hot. We had some 25°C, sun and blue sky all the weekend. Unbelievable. We rarely prepared any dishes in the kitchen but did as much as we could outside to not miss any sunshine at all. And even at nights when it comes to "Winnis time" it was still warm at 17°C.
By the way...this is what I see first when I leave the house.
A summer dream in spring...I enjoyed it so much!
And if that wasn't enough good news, our daughter learnt how to ride the bicycle. She only tried it twice before and had serious probs with her balance and also with stopping and getting off her bicycle. Yesterday...all over sudden she managed to do it by herself. I couldn't believe it when I saw her driving circles.
Needless to mention how proud the bicycle driving father is of his little big girl now.
Friday, 13 April 2007
Ways of transportation
Don't worry, the site is safe and checked.
Thursday, 12 April 2007
The Way Children See Things!
I was driving with my three young children one warm summer evening when a
Woman in the convertible ahead of us stood up and waved. She was stark
naked! As I was reeling from the shock, I heard my 5-year-old shout from the
A little boy got lost at the YMCA and found himself in the women's locker
room. When he was spotted, the room burst into shrieks, with ladies grabbing
towels and running for cover. The little boy watched in amazement and then
A little girl was watching her parents dress for a party. When she saw her
dad putting on his tuxedo, she warned, "Daddy, you shouldn't wear that suit."
"And why not, darling?" "You know that it always gives you a headache the
Geocaching - Mein 110. Cache
Mein 110. Cache war Pestruper Gräberfeld im Rahmen eines ausgiebigen Wildeshausen Cachetages. Bin am morgen um 7.00h von zuhause weg und hab auf dem Weg nach Wildeshausen 2 BAB caches mitgenommen. In Wildeshausen hab ich dann "Hunte Stomschnellen" gefunden. Das war ein schöner Cache. Ne einigermaßen große Dose in einer Metallhalterung unter einer Fußgängerbrücke. Das Heben und Verstecken war garnicht mal so leicht da von 4 Seiten Muggelalarm!! Dann bin ich zur Arbeit gefahren und hab die 2 BAB Caches in südlicher Richtung dabei gefunden. Nach der Arbeit dann wieder los über Dünsen zu "Reckumer Steine" und anschließend den tollen Rundgang am "Pestruper Gräberfeld" gemacht. Sehr beeindruckende Tour dort.
Easter bugs
Did our daughter get smaller?? Or do we have any monster bugs, chairs and flowers in our shopping mall??
Saturday, 7 April 2007
The Frog Test....
My dear friend Jessie sent me this link. A very easy game to test your intelligence quotient. I still did not find out how I can see how high/low my IQ is, but since it took me quite a while to solve it, I am afraid that my IQ must be lower then my age...
Here is the link for the few of you who speak english
Thanks a lot to Jessie..that was real fun in between!!!
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Number Puzzle - I need HELP
Can someone help me please??? There must be some smarties amongst you!!!
I need to solve this japanese number puzzle to find out the coordinates of another hidden cache at geocaching. I don't know what the name/type of the puzzle is and of course I don't know how to solve it, but it would be great if somebody could give me a hint or could even solve that puzzle for me.
I need the numbers that would stand for the letters A - J !!!!!!!! HHEEEEELLLLLLP!!!
Happy Easter
Means: 5 days free, 4 days work, 3 days free...nice schedule isn't it??
Easter sunday, all of our family members will meet at my sisters place to have a meeting with a relaxed brunch together and I think that is the right way of how to treat bank holidays.
So, I wish you all HAPPY EASTER with a lot of love and peace, easter eggs and everything you wish for yourself!!!!!!!!!