Saturday, 10 February 2007

10.02.2007 Samba Carnival, Bremen

Is there anywhere in your cities a carnival celebration going on?? I would be happy to hear about that!!! was a good day. Since I do not work saturdays anymore, we took the opportunity today to go to the Bremen city centre and have a look at the Bremen carnival. The Bremen carnival is different to other german carnival celebrations. Totally different!!! It is a pure Samba Carnival. With Samba Music and lots and lots of groups performing, living and enjoying the samba performances. The whole thing starts at the historical market place and the following procession is about 3-4 km long.

This year the motto was "Carnival Industrial" which sounded a bit strange to me first. But any motto makes sense to give a unique idea for all the participants and their costumes. We arrived by tram in the centre and as soon as we got out, we heard a roaring...some strange noise coming from everywhere of the city. Sounded a bit threateningly (as if "Orks" where on their ways...) but the nearer we got, the more we recognized what was going on: All the Samba Schools, Groups and Bands were playing the drums together long time before the official start. As if they wanted to drum themselves into some kind of Trance and to forget the daily troubles for some hours and dive into a flush of music, movement, smiles and fun. It was great...undescribable!!!

Remember...Bremen is situated in the north of Germany and today we had some -2°C...but somehow the whole crowd (including audience and performers) have been a moving crowd..steaming, pumping, drumming.

Today was one of the few days when I regreted that I stopped playing the drums some 15 years ago.

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