Wednesday 9 June 2010

Tickets please

Recently, due to my mini-job, I am travelling a lot by train. Today I tried one of the things that could make my travels a lot easier: I booked my train ticket by cellphone and even used my phone as a ticket. That may not be a big deal for some of you, but for me it was an interesting experience.

After my booking, I received an MMS message on my phone with a barcode. When the conductor on the train would come for control, I'd simply show him my cellphone with the barcode, he'd scan it and that's it...that's what I thought. The reality was a bit different. I had to change trains three times and in none of the trains the conductor wanted to scan my ticket. They all just looked at it, shook their heads, mumbled sth like "...well..ok...fine..."and turned away.
Now isn't that a great way of shortening any control in trains?

Thursday 3 June 2010

The door

On todays morning tour by bike, I saw a pretty nice church, but the door of the church did not really leave an inviting impression on me: